I've always been the person that was fascinated by ancient history...It's just so ancient! So when the class went over 'ancient numeration systems', I was quite surprised at my frustration. When we learn to count, sometimes we take for granted how difficult it really is to learn. So, I thought I'd share two of these today: the Egyptian Numeration system and the Babylonian Numeration system.
The Egyptian system is actually not so tough to pick up because the ancient Egyptians use a base of 10. Here is a little video that explains further:
Ok. So that isn't so hard right? Well, the Babylonian Numeration System is a bit more difficult. First, they only use two symbols. Second, instead of base 10, they use bas 60!!!
So does this make a little more sense?? It does take some practice to really understand these systems, believe me I know! So, for more background information and more practice, click here!
Your blog is very nice. Such good information!!