Monday, November 8, 2010

Three Cheers for Ancient History!

I've always been the person that was fascinated by ancient history...It's just so ancient!  So when the class went over 'ancient numeration systems', I was quite surprised at my frustration.  When we learn to count, sometimes we take for granted how difficult it really is to learn.  So, I thought I'd share two of these today: the Egyptian Numeration system and the Babylonian Numeration system.

The Egyptian system is actually not so tough to pick up because the ancient Egyptians use a base of 10. Here is a little video that explains further:

Ok. So that isn't so hard right? Well, the Babylonian Numeration System is a bit more difficult.  First, they only use two symbols.  Second, instead of base 10, they use bas 60!!!

So does this make a little more sense?? It does take some practice to really understand these systems, believe me I know!  So, for more background information and more practice, click here!

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